Monday, June 21, 2010

For the Strength of Youth Family Home Evening: Language!

Today's For the Strength of Youth Family Home Evening Lesson
is on . . . Language!
Opening Prayer:
Opening Song:
"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth,
but that which is good"
(Ephesians 4:29)
How you speak says
much about who you are!
Clean intelligent language is evidence of a
bright and wholesome mind.
Use language that uplifts, encourages,
and compliments others.
Do not insult others or put them down, even in joking.
Speak kindly and positively about others
so you can fulfill the
Lord's commandment to love one another.
When you use good language,
you invite the Spirit to be with you.
(For the Strength of Youth Language)
(Included in the PDF)
"Trash or Treasure?"
For this game you will need a copy of the
Trash or Treasure Cards.
(They are included in the PDF.)
Place a small, clean trash can at one end of the living room
with a sign that says, "Words to Trash" taped on the front.
Next to the trash can place an open box with the sign,
"Words to Treasure" taped on the front.
At the other end of the family room place the game cards
in a pile on a table or chair.
To Play:
Each family member takes a turn choosing
a card from the pile,
reading what it says, and then running across the
room to place the card
in the appropriate place.
If the card says something positive and uplifting,
place the card in the
"Words to Treasure" box.
If the card says something negative or inappropriate, it should go
into the trash can.
The family member races back to the beginning
and touches the hand
of the next person in line, who will read the next card.
Continue until all the cards have been played.
Follow Up:
Bring out the "Swear Jar"
This is just a clear jar with a lid . . . but the power of the
Swear Jar is Amazing!
To help us implement this principle into our lives,
we decided we would need a little reminder and
the Swear Jar is the perfect solution!
Each time a family member chooses to use bad language,
or words that are negative or belittle others,
they will be given the opportunity to clean the toilet,
take out the trash, or pay money.
Reminding them that the effects of using bad words
and negative comments will put us into unpleasant circumstances!
Our boys friends even know about the Swear Jar, and have
donated on occassion. Bless their hearts!
To finish things off, bring out the
"Good Words Commitment" Page.
Read what it says, and encourage everyone in the family to sign it.
End with your Testimony and a Closing Prayer.
Don't Forget to add your "Good Words Commitment" Page
to your Family Home Evening Journal after everyone signs it!
Here's the PDF:
Time for Treats:
Ice Cream Sundae's!
I believe there is a teaching moment in everything . . .
Even in food.
Give everyone a bowl of plain vanilla ice cream,
but make sure that they can see all the topping options.
Explain to your family that the toppings are like
choosing good words.
They make everything better!
They have to say a good word to someone in the family
for every topping they want on their Ice Cream Sundae!
I spelled commitment wrong
on the Swear Jar and Commitment Page.
Here's the Revised PDF:


  1. Once again, Trish, a Masterpiece of work!!

  2. i stopped by to peek at FHE lesson and i fell in love with your day planner but i can not get the links to work. and i do not live in UT i live in NC what can i do to get these? thank you so much

  3. Try going to the categories list on the side under Day Keeper to see if that helps.
    It does take a while to open the file because of it's size.
    Let me know if that still doesn't work for you.

  4. tricia i have been busy and have not had a chance to get back but everytime i try the link for the day keeper links it shuts down my internet , oh i want these pages lol what can i do ?

  5. Let me try a few things to see what I can come up with. It comes up when I click the links on the side. I'll have my friend check to see if she can tell what's going on.

  6. It takes a while to open the larger PDF files.
    Hang in there . . . they'll come up, it just might take a minute or two!

  7. my internet browser will not open for the links it keeps saying that the page can not be found .

  8. Thanks for this, going to use it for Children's church this Sunday.
